Expose Dishonesty
Simon Cruise http://www.new-dating.com/search.php
Learn how to confront a liar and at the same time prove beyond a doubt that they've been deceitful!
Like most people, I'm sure you hate being lied to. In short, other people's lies make our lives more difficult to live.
The problem most people who think they've been lied to face, apart from finding out the truth, is confronting the person that's been conning them. It's a really tricky social situation - what if, by some chance, they weren't lying? Or what if they were lying but won't admit it and instead just choose to blindly deny being deceptive? Dozens of questions and uncertainties make tackling a liar and untangling theirs lies a difficult task for anyone to face. But there ARE things you can do to help you succeed. We're going to look at just one technique of many that you can use to first discreetly acquire additional, hard proof of someone's untruthfulness, and then use to confidently confront them - safe in the knowledge that they cannot possibly deny what they've done... your evidence is simply too strong and damning. It's called...
False Fact Contribution
This discreet detection technique is a favourite of many skilled natural lie detectors, purely because of its high level of effectiveness and reliability. In involves the adding of a fictional fact of your own that relates to their suspected lie, expressed as the truth, to evoke a telling response from them that you can use as a measure of their reliability. Here's an example. Your partner has supposedly been to the movies with a friend, but you have a sneaking suspicion that they may not be telling you the truth. When they return home you casually say hi in a non-threatening, relaxed way. Once you have eye contact with them, you mention hearing on the radio that there was a massive road traffic accident outside of the movie theatre and ask if it caused them any trouble when they had to leave. Now, if your partner IS lying, they are in a might tricky situation. Do they go along with what you've said, assuming it to be true, and say that they saw the accident scene and got out fine, or do they risk saying they saw nothing? The key to using the false fact contribution technique lies in making the fact you use something they cannot have possibly missed (if it were true). This means you'll get a useable, telling response from them. Either they'll make a reference to it and therefore expose their dishonesty. Or, having actually gone to the movies, they'll say - truthfully - that they saw nothing. In this scenario, you quite casually brush the whole thing, and say you must have misheard the road name on the radio or something along those lines.
Remember, take note of how your partner - or whoever you're using this technique on - reacts when you contribute the false fact. Watch for changes in their body language, a lessening of eye contact and any attempts they make to quickly change or ignore the subject you've raised. Looking for these signs give you the best chance of acquiring what you deserve: the truth.
Simon Cruise http://www.new-dating.com/search.php